Make Money With Resell Rights Products

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It's no secret that finding products with resell rights and reselling them is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online, however few people know how to really profit from these sorts of products. Before we discuss how to make money with resell rights products, I'll first cover just exactly what these sorts of products are, for those of you who are unaware.

The Internet is full of products that have a license allowing them to be resold (usually with some restrictions). The product could be anything from an ebook to a software program, however the license of the product allows the purchaser to sell the product as if it were their own. This works similar to open source software, however the license to redistribute the product must be bought, and there's usually a restriction in the license that the product cannot be given away for free. This is to preserve the integrity of the product.

Now that we've covered what resell rights products are, let's examine how you can use them to make money online from home. The first thing to do is of course setup a website advertising the product you've purchased resell rights for. Most resell rights products come with sales letters, so you should be able to use the one provided as opposed to having to create your own. Once you've set up your site, your sales letter and are ready to accept payments, the next thing to do is of course advertise your site.

There are many ways to advertise online, however one of the most effect, free methods I use is article marketing, which you've no doubt heard about. Simply register an account at all the major article directories, including Squidoo, Hubpages and Ezine Articles, and create unique articles with links pointing back to your website. It's important to explain in the articles how your product will help the consumer, so that they have a desire to buy it when they reach your website. There are limitless ways that you can advertise online, find one that suits you the most, and use it.

Another method that you can use to make money online with resell rights products is to set up your own membership site containing information products that you've purchased resell rights for. Membership sites have the benefit of recurring monthly payments from your customers. Once you've acquired a large list of resell rights products within a certain niche, simply set up your membership site using a content management system (CMS) such as Joomla.

Believe it or not, but this post has explained one of the most common strategies the so called "experts" use to make money online. You too can use this exact same strategy to kick start your own online business. Reselling products is especially handy for people new to the industry who don't yet have their own original product to sell.


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